NAB Visual Discrimination Test nab-visual-discrim

For: Evaluate visual perceptual accuracy
Reading Level: 18 to 97 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 10-15 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored


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NAB Visual Discrimination Test Combination Kit – Forms 1 and 2





NAB Visual Discrimination Test Form 1 Record Forms (pad of 25)





NAB Visual Discrimination Test Form 2 Record Forms (pad of 25)





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Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD


One of the tests that make up the NAB Spatial Module, the NAB Visual Discrimination Test now is available as a stand-alone assessment. The task evaluates deficits in visual perception using stimuli that are not easily verbally encoded. Administration of the assessment is relatively brief and straightforward, incorporating a match-to-target paradigm that is commonly used to measure visual perception.

Eighteen-item task requires the examinee to match a target visual design from an array of four similar designs.
Colourful abstract designs maintain examinee engagement.
A detailed Record Form guides you through the measure, making it quick, efficient, and easily portable for use in a variety of settings.
Equivalent, parallel forms allow for ease of retesting and reduce the likelihood of practice effects.

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