NAB Screening Module Kit nab-screening
For: Evaluate neuropsychological functioning in ages 18 to 97 years
Reading Level: Adult - Elder Adult
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, PC Based Software
Length: Complete battery may be administered in less than 4 hours; Administration times vary by module
Scoring: Hand Scored; Computer Scored
Printed Kits
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Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
NAB Screening Module Kit
NAB Form 1 Screening Module Record Forms (25)
NAB Form 1 Screening Module Response Booklets (25)
NAB Form 2 Screening Module Record Forms (25)
NAB Form 2 Screening Module Response Booklets (25)
Sample Reports
Robert A. Stern, PhD, Travis White, PhD
The NAB Screening Module helps to generate initial hypothesis regarding differential diagnosis and treatment recommendations and provides an estimate of the examinee’s functioning in a particular domain when more in-depth examination is either not warranted or not possible.
Average alpha coeffiecients for test scores from both Form 1 and Form 2 of the Screening Module range from moderate to strong. Composite reliabilities are high for all the Screening Module Domain scores (e.g. Screening Attention Domain r +.91: Screening Executive Functions r = .86), and the Total Screening Index (.80). Over a six month interval, test-retest stability of the Screening Module test and domain scores also is strong.
To examine convergent validity, a subgroup of the Standardisation sample was assessed with external measures of cognitive functioning including the Mini-Metal State Examination (MMSE) and selected scores from the Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS).
Among a sample of patients with dementia, the Screening Attention Domain score correlate strongly with the Dementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) Attention Scale Score (r = .84). In a separate study, the Screen Language Domain was found to correlate strongly (r = .78) with the Boston Naming Test (BNT) among patients with aphasia.
System Requirements
Windows XP/Vista/7;
NTFS file system; CD-ROM drive for installation; Internet connection or telephone for software activation
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