NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test nab-digits

For: Evaluates auditory attentional capacity and working memory for orally presented information
Reading Level: 18 to 97 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 10-15 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored



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NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test Combination Kit – Forms 1 and 2





NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test Form 1 Record Form (25)





NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test Form 2 Record Form (25)





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Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD


Previously available only as part of the NAB Attention Module, the NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test is now available as an independent assessment. Administration is brief and straightforward, involving the oral presentation of spans of digits to evaluate potential deficits in attention and working memory. The measure has both a 7-item digits forward task and a 7-item digits backward task, each with its own individual score. Because the two paradigms measure distinct functions, the disparate scores allow for richer interpretation than that provided by similar assessment instruments on the market.

Equivalent, parallel forms allow for ease of retesting while reducing the likelihood of practice effects.
Developed with the entire Neuropsychological Assessment Battery on a large standardisation sample (1,448 individuals).
The detailed Record Form guides examiners through the measure, allowing optimal portability and flexibility in a variety of evaluation settings

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