NAB Design Construction Test nab-design

For: Evaluate difficulties with visuoconstruction
Reading Level: 18 to 97 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 15 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored


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Paper Forms & Handscoring Materials

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NAB Design Construction Test Combination Kit – Forms 1 and 2





NAB Design Construction Test Form 1 Record Forms (25)





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Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD


Now available as a stand-alone assessment, the NAB Design Construction Test represents an important tool in identifying difficulties with visuoconstruction associated with a variety of disorders. The measure evaluates difficulties with visuoconstruction through a brief eight-item assembly task in which the examinee is presented with two-dimensional visual stimuli (i.e., tangrams) and asked to use plastic geometric shapes (i.e. tans) to reproduce each stimulus.

A Record Form, Stimulus Book and tans are all that is needed to administer and score the test.
The detailed Record Form guides you through the measure, making it quick and efficient for use in a variety of settings.
Equivalent parallel forms allow for ease of retesting and reduce the likelihood of practice effects.

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