NAB Categories Test nab-categories

For: Evaluates an individual's cognitive flexibility and concept formation
Reading Level:  18 to 97 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 10-15 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored


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NAB Categories Test Combination Kit – Forms 1 and 2





NAB Categories Test Form 1 Record Forms (25)





NAB Categories Test Form 2 Record Forms (25)





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Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD


Now available as a self-contained instrument, the NAB Categories Test is a classification and categorisation task designed to evaluate concept formation, cognitive response set, mental flexibility, novel problem solving, and generativity. One of the tests that make up the NAB Executive Functions Module, the measure is sensitive to frontal systems dysfunction. The NAB Categories Test has an alternate form that reduces the likelihood of practice effects, has no cumbersome manipulatives, and features face-valid and visually attractive stimuli. Unlike many existing instruments, the measure incorporates both visual and verbal information, resulting in richer data about the examinee’s response style and abilities.

The Record Form provides all essential administration instructions, allowing the examiner optimal portability and flexibility in a variety of evaluation settings.
Examinees are asked to generate as many different two-group categories as they may be based on photographs and verbal information.

Visual stimuli are displayed on durable cards that present six boxes containing a photograph of a person and their identifying information. Each card is brightly colored to aid in engaging the examinee as well as in capturing and maintaining his or her attention.

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