Neuropsychological Assessment Battery nab

For: Evaluate neuropsychological functioning in ages 18-97 years
Reading Level: Adult - Elder Adult
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, PC Based Software
Length: Complete battery may be administered in less than 4 hours; Administration times vary by module
Scoring: Hand Scored; Computer Scored



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Paper Forms & Handscoring Materials

Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.

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NAB Attention Module Kit





NAB Complete Kit





NAB Executive Functions Module Kit





NAB Form 1 Kit





NAB Language Module Kit





NAB Spatial Module Kit





NAB Form 1 Attention Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 1 Attention Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 1 Executive Functions Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 1 Executive Functions Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 1 Language Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 1 Memory Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 1 Spatial Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 2 Attention Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 2 Attention Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 2 Executive Functions Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 2 Executive Functions Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 2 Language Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 2 Language Module Response Booklets (25)





NAB Form 2 Memory Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Form 2 Spatial Module Record Forms (25)





NAB Score Summary/Profile Forms (50)





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Robert A. Stern, PhD, Travis White, PhD


The NAB consists of five domain-specific modules: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, and Executive Functions. A sixth module, Screening, allows the clinician to determine which of the other five domain-specific modules are appropriate to administer to an individual patient. Each of the six NAB modules is self-contained and may be administered independently of the other modules.


The Attention Module provides a marker of an individual’s attentional capacity, working memory, psychomotor speed, selective attention, divided attention and information processing speed.
The Language Module provides a marker of the severity of aphasia and related disorders of language production, comprehension and word-finding.
The Spatial Module provides a marker of the examinee’s visuoperceptual skills, attention to visual detail, visuoconstruction, right-left orientation, topographical orientation, and visual scanning.
The Memory Module provides a marker of an individual’s verbal explicit learning, visual explicit learning, verbal delayed free recall, visual delayed recognition memory, and verbal explicit learning and recognition of information likely to be encountered in day-to-day living. A stand-alone Memory Module Professional Manual and Scoring Program and special combination kits are available.
The Executive Functions Module provides a marker of planning, engaging with others effectively, problem solving, successfully interacting with the environment to get one’s needs met, judgement, conceptualisation, cognitive response set, mental flexibility, verbal fluency and generativity.
The Screening Module streamlines the assessment process by providing scores that quickly let you know whether further assessment should be conducted. It also helps to generate initial hypotheses regarding differential diagnosis and treatment recommendations and provides an estimate of the examinee’s functioning in a particular domain when more in-depth examination is either not warranted or not possible.


The NAB may be purchased by individual module kits versus packaged as a complete battery. Certain NAB tests are available for stand-alone purchase as well. Offering the combined strengths of both flexible battery and fixed battery, the NAB allows clinicians increased flexibility to focus on specific areas of concern.
Each of the 33 NAB tests has two equivalent, parallel forms that were created and normed simultaneously to facilitate reevaluation while avoiding practice effects.
Each of the five domain-specific NAB Modules includes a Daily Living test designed to be multifactorial in nature and related to real-world tasks of everyday living in order to evaluate constructs such as auditory and reading comprehension, simple calculations, problem-solving and decisional capacity.

Psychometrically Sound

All NAB tests were standardised on the same sample of more than 1,400 healthy adults.
Interrater reliability studies conducted on those NAB tests that require more subjective scoring indicated excellent agreement. A 6-month test-retest study (n = 95) resulted in very good temporal stability and provides important practice effect information. The reliability estimates for the NAB Index scores are excellent (e.g., Total NAB Index score r = .96).
Extensive validation evidence has been established through both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, criterion validity investigations, and several clinical validation studies. Additional validity studies included a comparison of the NAB with measures of functional independence in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital and an investigation involving a group of simulated malingerers who received the NAB, along with several existing measures of symptom validity.

Supplemental Components

The NAB-SP calculates normative scores and generates profiles quickly and easily. The program enables you to overlay profiles from prior administrations and allows reports to be exported to common word processing, spreadsheet, and database programs for editing.

The NAB Video Training Program, part of all NAB kits, is designed to facilitate correct administration and scoring procedures for the NAB. Each chapter includes an overview of the specific test followed by a demonstration of a standard administration. A set of module-specific completed NAB Record Forms and Response Booklets is also included with the DVD set.

Note: If you are purchasing a NAB module kit-with the exception of the Screening Module-we strongly recommend that you also purchase the NAB Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation Manual (Item: 5088-TM) and the NAB Demographically Corrected Norms Manual (Item: 5091-TM). All kits include the NAB Video Training Program DVD and the NAB-SP.

System Requirements

Windows:  XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

Mac users: install Windows in VirtualBox or BootCamp.

Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported.

Prerequisites: NTFS file system; Internet connection or telephone for activation; CD-ROM drive for installation

Other Requirements: DVD player for training video

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