Gifted Rating Scales 2nd Edition [GRS-2]

A comprehensive tool that, in conjunction with other sources of information, aids in the identification of gifted and talented individuals

For Ages: 4 – 19 years
Administration Time: 2 – 5 minutes
Report Type: Teacher Preschool/Kindergarten, Teacher School, Parent
Administration & Scoring: Online via MHS Assessment Centre+ (MAC+) Online platform

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The Gifted Rating Scales Second Edition (GRS™ 2) is a revision of the well-established Gifted Rating Scales (GRS). The GRS™ 2 incorporates many of the benefits of the original GRS but was carefully designed to offer enhanced functionality and accessibility. New features include:

• An expanded age range (4–18 years).
• Teacher Form updates with item revisions, a reduced number of items per scale, and updated norms.
• A new Parent Form gives users additional data points for Cognitive Ability, Creative/Artistic Ability, and Resiliency & Social Competency in the assessment process for gifted identification. The Parent Form enables ratings based on behaviours observed in different contexts, allowing for a more holistic view of students’ abilities.
• A new modular administration with the option to select which scales to administer.
• New modular reports with rater response-style indicators.
• Analyses of students’ relative strengths.

All GRS™ 2 users receive access to a free, digital version of the GRS™ 2 Manual through their MHS Online Assessment Center+ (MAC+) account.

Key Areas Measured


Online scoring  can generate two types of GRS 2 reports:

  1. Single-Rater Report—provides one student’s scored results from one rater. 
  2. Scored Dataset—provides all students’ scores within a single spreadsheet.


The GRS™ 2 Teacher–Preschool/Kindergarten Form (GRS 2 Teacher–P), GRS 2 Teacher–School Form (GRS 2 Teacher–S), and GRS 2 Parent Form (GRS 2 Parent)  showed evidence of reliability through high internal consistency coefficients (e.g., median omega across age groups, raters, and scales within the Normative Samples: GRS 2 Teacher–P = .98, GRS 2 Teacher–S = .98, and GRS 2 Parent = .91); a high degree of test information, providing evidence for the precision of measurement; statistically significant (p < .001), strong to very strong, and positive test-retest correlation coefficients between scores across a 2- to 4-week interval (GRS 2 Teacher–P: corrected r = .66 to .80; GRS 2 Teacher–S: corrected r = .74 to .91, GRS 2 Parent: corrected r = .62 to .74);  and statistically significant (p < .001) and strong inter-rater reliability between school-age teacher raters (corrected r = .65 to .76), and between parent raters (corrected r = .71 to .76).


The GRS™ 2 showed evidence of  validity through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) that provided evidence to support the structure of the GRS 2 scales (final models had strong fit statistics for all forms [CFI and TLI ≥ .923; SRMR ≤ .047; RMSEA ≤ .069] and replicated the structure of the original GRS™); meaningful differences between the General Population and the Gifted Samples, such that gifted students yielded higher scores than students from the general population (median Cohen’s d = 0.90 across all forms and scales), providing evidence of criterion-related validity; and evidence of convergent validity through strong associations between the Resiliency & Social Competency scale from the GRS 2 Parent and the Social Skills and Resiliency scales from the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition (BASC–3; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2015; corrected r = .68 for both scales).


Evidence of fairness was established through  the absence of meaningful psychometric differences between demographic groups. There was no evidence of measurement bias due to the gender (maximum |ETSSD| = 0.07), race/ethnicity (maximum ETSSD = |0.07|), primary language spoken (maximum ETSSD = |0.27|), parental education level (PEL; maximum ETSSD = |0.04|), household income (maximum ETSSD = |0.06|), or country of residence (maximum ETSSD = |0.13|) of the student being rated.

Online administration in MHS Assessment Center + (MAC+) 

Assessing online has never been easier with the new MHS Online Assessment Center +. Experience the new online platform designed with clinicians for clinicians to ensure the easiest, fastest and most accurate assessing possible!

Why use the GRS-2 online?

  • Save time – fast, easy and accurate administration with automated scoring
  • Assess and score from anywhere – enjoy the convenience of viewing reports from your home, office or anywhere with an online connection
  • Improve efficiency and accuracy – when items are absent, prompts appear to ensure information is not missed
  • User friendly – easy to use interface for practitioners and respondents
  • Gain information easily – email a link to the form directly to the respondent
  • Tailored organisation – data can be customized to how you work
  • Benefit from significant cost savings – don’t purchase paper forms in bulk ever again

View the full list of assessments available in the MHS Online Assessment Center + here.