Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory Adult (CEFI Adult) [CEFI-A]

Evaluates executive function strengths and weaknesses in adults

Age: 18 years and older
Administration Type: Self; Observer
Format: Online (via MHS Online Assessment Center+)
Length: 10 – 15 minutes (80 items)
Scoring: Online
Authors: Jack Naglieri, Ph.D. and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D
Release date: July 25, 2017


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CEFI Adult Manual





CEFI Adult Observer Online Report (each)





CEFI Adult Self Online Report (each)





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Deficits in executive function may impair problem solving, reasoning and adaptive behaviour, making even the simplest tasks a challenge. The Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory Adult (CEFI Adult TM) is a rating scale that may capture if and how a person achieves goals in a variety of settings. Intended to be used by professionals in clinical, educational and research settings, the CEFI Adult is a comprehensive assessment of executive function that delivers highly accurate results. Based on extensive norming, the CEFI Adult provides data that will help guide diagnosis, intervention and treatment planning.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Evaluates executive function strengths and weaknesses across nine different scales.
  • Provides scores you can trust with a highly representative nationally standardised behaviour rating scale of executive function in adults.
  • Normative data represents the U.S. population.
  • Ensures understanding with an accessible fourth-grade reading level.
  • Provides observer and self-report ratings for a comprehensive evaluation of executive function.

Technical Overview

The CEFI Adult normative samples (1,660 each for the Self and Observer Reports) are representative of the U.S. population of adults aged 18 years and older. The samples were collected using a stratified sampling plan (based on the 2010 U.S. Census) based on age, gender, race/ethnicity, region and education level. All representation of the sub-samples fell within 2% of the U.S. population targets. The normative samples also 8included ratings of individuals who had a clinical diagnosis.

The reliability coefficients indicated that the Full Scale has excellent internal reliability on both reports in the normative and clinical samples (Self report alpha = .97; Observer report alpha = .98). Alpha values for the CEFI Adult Scales were also high, with a median alpha of .83 for the Self-Report From and .90 for the Observer report. The results suggest that the CEFI Adult has excellent test-retest reliability with Full Scale values of  ≥ .90 or higher for the Self-Report and Observer reports at both the 2- to 4- week and 2- to 3- month time intervals (all p <.001).  Inter-rater reliability results indicate substantial levels or rater agreement for the Full Scale (r = .78, p <.001) and all CEFI Adult Scales (median r = .74, all p <.001), indicating very good levels of inter-rater reliability. Validity studies demonstrate the test’s ability to differentiate individuals with a clinical diagnosis and those from the general population.

The CEFI Adult Technical Manual provides information on the CEFI Adult’s theoretical framework, psychometric properties and key features. The CEFI Adult Manual also provides extensive information on administration, scoring and interpretation procedures. To help guide users’ interpretation of results, three case studies are provided.

Online administration in MHS Assessment Center + (MAC+) 

Assessing online has never been easier with the new MHS Online Assessment Center +. Experience the new online platform designed with clinicians for clinicians to ensure the easiest, fastest and most accurate assessing possible!

Why use the CEFI-A online?

  • Save time – fast, easy and accurate administration with automated scoring
  • Assess and score from anywhere – enjoy the convenience of viewing reports from your home, office or anywhere with an online connection
  • Improve efficiency and accuracy – when items are absent, prompts appear to ensure information is not missed
  • User friendly – easy to use interface for practitioners and respondents
  • Gain information easily – email a link to the form directly to the respondent
  • Tailored organisation – data can be customized to how you work
  • Benefit from significant cost savings – don’t purchase paper forms in bulk ever again

View the full list of assessments available in the MHS Online Assessment Center + here.