Neuropsychological Assessment Battery

Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD, Travis White, PhD Description The NAB consists of five domain-specific modules: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, and Executive Functions. A sixth module, Screening, allows the clinician to determine which of the other five domain-specific modules are appropriate to administer to an...
Level A, M, B

Neuropsychological Impairment Scale

Authors William E. O'Donnell, Ph.D., M.P.H., Clinton B. DeSoto, Ph.D., Janet L. DeSoto, Ed.D., and Don McQ. Reynolds, Ph.D. Description The NIS is a quick and convenient way to screen adults for neuropsychological symptoms. This brief self-report questionnaire addresses both global impairment and specific symptom areas,...
Level B, M

New Group Reading Test

The New Group Reading Test (NGRT), developed and normed in the UK,  enables you to assess your students’ reading and comprehension skills in a single test – helping to identify those students who may need further support and benchmarking their performance against other students of the same...
Level C, M

New Group Spelling Test

New Group Spelling Test (NGST), developed and normed in the UK,  is an adaptive assessment which allows regular monitoring of spelling skills. When combined with the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) you can assess reading and spelling together in under an hour. Customised implications for...
Level C, M

New Reynell Developmental Language Scales

Authors  Susan Edwards, Carolyn Letters and Indra Sinka Description  The New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS), Based on the Third (University of Reading) Edition. A new fourth edition of the widely-used assessment for identifying speech and language delays and impairments in very young children.  For...
Level M

Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory

Author Raymond W. Novaco, Ph.D. Description Initially developed in conjunction with the MacArthur Foundation Network on Mental Health and Law, the NAS-PI helps clinicians and researchers evaluate the role of anger in various psychological and physical conditions. Brief and easy-to-administer, this self-report questionnaire is an...
Level A, M

Older Adult Cognitive Screener

Patients with neurocognitive impairment (e.g., dementia) are often unreliable reporters of their own symptoms. A knowledgeable observer such as a family member, friend, or home health care nurse, can provide valuable insight into a patient's functioning. The OACS is a quick informant rating scale that...
Level B

Oral and Written Language Scales - Second Edition

The new features of the OWLS-II include: Reading Comprehension Scale Updated Norms - with all scales standardised on the same population Parallel Forms for re-testing New Items reflecting curricular standards and grade-level language goals Improved scoring instructions for the WE Scale Full colour updated stimulus...
Level M, B, C

Oral Passage Understanding Scale

Authors Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD and Amber M. Klein, PhD Description The Oral Passage Understanding Scale (OPUS) is a new measure of listening (auditory) comprehension. It evaluates a person's ability to listen to passages that are read aloud and recall information about them. This ability is...
Level C, M, B

Overeating Questionnaire

Authors William E. O'Donnell, Ph.D., MPH and W. L. Warren, Ph.D. Description Recent surveys indicate that nearly half of all American children are overweight. Whilst most instruments related to eating behaviour focus on bulimia and anorexia, the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ) measures key habits, thoughts and...
Level B, M

Pandemic Anxiety Screener for Students™–12: Research Edition

New! View our poster presentation for the 2021 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting: "Relationship Between Caregiver Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Effects of the Pandemic on Children and Adolescents." Click here or the Resources tab above to view or download. Over the past...
Level C, M