Career Thoughts Inventory

Authors James P. Sampson, Jr., PhD, Gary W. Peterson, PhD, Janet G. Lenz, PhD, Robert C. Reardon, PhD, and Denise E. Saunders, PhD Description The CTI is a self-administered and objectively scored assessment designed to improve the effectiveness of career counselling and guidance for adults,...
Level B, M

Chronic Pain Coping Inventory

Author Mark P. Jensen, PhD, Judith A. Turner, PhD, Joan M. Romano, PhD and Warren R. Nielson, PhD Description Designed to assess the use of coping strategies that are typically targeted for change in multi-disciplinary pain treatment programs, the CPCI addresses several shortcomings of existing...
Level B, M

Early Sociocognitive Battery

Overview The Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB) is a new, innovative assessment for preschool children that is predictive of later language and social communication difficulties including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The ESB can be used by speech and language therapists, clinical and educational psychologists, and paediatricians....
Level A, B, M

Emotional Quotient-inventory EQ-i 2.0

Purchase TOKENS for online assessment Description The Emotional Quotient-inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0) measures emotional intelligence (EI) and how it may impact people and the workplace. Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and...
Level EQi, EQ360


Dr. Dana Ackley speaks about EQ What is The EQ Leader Program 2.0? The EQ Leader Program 2.0 is a turnkey coaching program, presented in a 483 page manual accompanied by a flash drive containing customizable files, that helps leaders build Emotional Intelligence skills. EQ Leader, Inc. works with...
Level EQi

Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills

Author Lucy Jane Miller, Ph.D, OTR; Thomas Oakland, Ph.D, and David S. Herzberg, Ph.D Description The Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL) is an innovative new evaluation of functional motor abilities needed for daily living. Designed for children aged between 7 to 17 years, the GOAL...
Level C, M

Job Stress Survey

Authors Charles D. Spielberger, PhD, Peter R. Vagg, PhD Description Occupational stress affects productivity, absenteeism, accidents, worker turnover and stress-related health problems. Identifying major sources of stress in a workplace may help to identify changes in the work environment and other interventions that will reduce stress...
Level B, M

Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory - Adult

Author Rudolf H. Moos, PhD Description The LISRES provides a unified framework to measure ongoing life stressors and social resources and their changes over time. Integrating these two domains in one assessment tool provides a comprehensive picture of an individual's overall life context. This inventory identifies the...
Level B, M

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

Purchase TOKENS for online assessment Contact PAA today to establish your MHS Talent Assessment Portal for online testing and reporting! Authors  John D. Mayer, Ph.D; Peter Salovey, Ph.D & David R. Caruso, Ph.D Description  An ability-based measure of emotional intelligence.  The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test...

NEO Personality Inventory-3

The  NEO Software System is now available, which is compatible with the new NEO-3 Inventories Author Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD Description The NEO-PI-3 is a revision of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the standard questionnaire of the FFM....
Level C, M, B, A