Work Values Inventory wvi

For: Assesses workplace values in ages 18 to 70 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: Individual or group administration - 10 minutes to administer, 5 minutes scoring time
Scoring: Hand Scored



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Paper Forms & Handscoring Materials

Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.

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WVI Introductory Kit





WVI Assessment Booklets (25)





WVI Occupations Index (25)





WVI Score Summary Sheets (pad of 25)





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Melissa A. Messer, MHS, and Jennifer A. Greene, MSPH


The WVI is a self-administered, self-scored and self-interpreted measure of six workplace values. It is a career exploration and job selection tool that helps career counsellors and human resource professionals. Administer using paper and pencil in 10 minutes. The WVI may be administered individually or in a group setting.

Features and Benefits

Helps career counsellors assist clients in learning more about themselves to find a job that is a good fit for their work values.
Assists human resource personnel in screening potential job candidates to find the right fit for a particular position and a good fit within the organisational culture.
Based on and tied to the USA Department of Labour’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET).
Captures the O*NET’s six identified work values: Achievement, Independence, Support, Relationships, Working Conditions and Recognition.
The WVI Occupations Index lists more than 1,300 jobs according to work value and required education level.

Test Structure

Features 61 questions grouped by the work value they measure.
Self-paced and self-scored.
The WVI Assessment Booklet includes sections that describe each work value and facet in detail, provide example occupations from the Occupations Index, and offer ways to obtain more information.
Testing takes just 10 minutes.
No special training is required to administer or score.

Scoring and Reporting

No special training is required to administer or score.
May be self-scored or scored by a professional.
Offers a Score Summary sheet designed for use by a professional working with clients/applicants.
Yields a score for each of the six work values.

Technical information

Standardisation sample (N = 526) included employees across eight common O*NET job families who had been in their current positions for at least a year.
Shows a strong positive relationship with the Working Styles Assessment™ (WSA™).

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