Vocational Preference Inventory vpi

For: Assess career interests
Reading Level: Adolescent - Adult
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 15-30 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored


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VPI Test Booklet/Answer Sheet/Profile Combinations (25)

Pack of 25.




VPI Introductory Kit

Includes VPI Manual and 50 Test Booklet/Answer Sheet/Profile Combinations




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John L. Holland, PhD


Assess career interests with this brief personality inventory. Clinicians and career counsellors find the VPI to be useful in one-on-one counselling sessions with high school and college students, as well as with adults.

Although the VPI is similar to the Self-Directed Search (SDS), it is a psychological inventory, whereas the SDS is similar to a vocational counselling experience. The clinician scores the VPI, and the user scores the SDS. The VPI assesses five dimensions not covered by the SDS, but offers less comprehensive career assessment than the SDS.

The VPI consists of 160 occupations representing the six personality types in the RIASEC theory of personality as well as five additional dimensions. The theory states that people search for work environments similar to their personalities. VPI users decide if they like or dislike each of the occupations. The VPI parallels other Holland instruments that match user interests to occupations. The Manual provides the most current research.

Administration/Scoring Options 

The VPI user completes the inventory in just 15-30 minutes by simply recording occupational preferences in the all-in-one Test Booklet/Answer Sheet. For easy administration and scoring of the VPI, this booklet contains inventory items, a self-scoring carbonless Answer Sheet, and the male and female Profile Forms. In about 1 minute you may hand score all 11 VPI scales: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional, Self-Control, Status, Masculinity/Femininity, Infrequency, and Acquiescence.

You may use raw scores from the 6 RIASEC scales with the SDS Form R Occupations Finder, The Leisure Activities Finder, and the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes, to help clients explore career options and aid in career guidance.


Reliability and validity of the VPI are supported by a large body of research. Comprehensive data support the construct validity of the VPI scales, which have an average internal consistency of .88. The VPI has been normed on a variety of populations.

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