Test of Memory Malingering tomm
For: A test that distinguishes between malingered and true memory impairment in persons ages 16 to 84 years
Reading Level: Nil (Pictures Only) - Professionally or computer administered
Oral response to Visual Stimuli
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: Approx. 15 minutes (2 learning/recognition trials)
Approx. 20 minutes (with retention trial)
Scoring: Hand Scored
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Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
TOMM Complete Kit
TOMM Recording Forms (25)
TOMM Stimulus Booklets (Set of 3)
Sample Reports
Tom N. Tombaugh
The TOMM is a systematic method to assist psychologists discriminate between bona fide memory impaired clients and malingerers. It is essentially an ‘easy’ test that clients believe is difficult – malingerers typically score poorly.
Clients are shown two sets of 50 pictures and then given recognition trials after each set. A retention trial may also be administered approximately 15 minutes later.
Data is reported for cognitively intact adults, those with a cognitive impairment, aphasia, traumatic brain injury and dementia. Validity data using simulators and those at risk for malingering support the usefulness of this test.
A single report is available, listing client scores and a statement as to the likelihood they falsified their responses.
Short administration time.
Excellent validity studies.
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