Symptom Assessment-45 sa-45

For: A brief assessment of symptomatology across nine psychiatric domains for ages 13yrs+
Reading Level: Year 6
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, PC Based Software (via Smartlink)
Length: 10 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored; Computer Scored



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SA-45 Manual





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Strategic Advantage, Inc.


A quick, cost-effective and comprehensive measure of symptomatology, the Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire (SA-45) uses the proven items and structure of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) to arrive at a brief, valid and reliable measure of psychiatric sympomatology.  Its comprehensive breadth gives you confidence when used as a screening tool for behavioural healthcare services, helping you arrive at a diagnosis, formulate treatment and assess outcomes.  The instrument’s brevity makes it ideal for use in managed-care settings.  It has become a key component of the instrumentation employed by treatment outcomes researchers at over 100 behavioural healthcare facilities.

Using a 5-point level-of-severity scale, the SA-45 measures Anxiety, Depression, Hostility, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Obsessive-Compulsivity, Paranoid Ideation, Phobic Anxiety, Psychoticism and Somatisation.  A score for the Global Severity and Positive Symptom indexes, helpful when assessing overall symptomatology, are also produced.  The SA-45 is scored relative to a normative database of over 18,000 individuals.  Appendices in the Technical Manual provide inpatient and non-patient age- and gender-based norms.


The SA-45 may be hand or computer scored.  Computer scoring is completed using the Smartlink (V5) software on your PC or through the PAA Scoring Bureau Service.

View Smartlink (V5) information page.

NB:  Prices are in Australian dollars inclusive of GST.  NZ customers need to log in  to view ex-GST prices.