Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-Second Edition: Short Form rads-2-sf

For: Provides a rapid assessment of the severity of an adolescent's depressive symptomatology
Reading Level: Adolescent - Adult
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length:   2-3 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored

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William M. Reynolds, PhD


Derived from the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, 2nd Edition (RADS-2), the 10-item Short Form is designed to serve as a very brief screening measure of depression in adolescents. All items on this Short Form were taken from the original RADS-2. This abbreviated version of the RADS-2 provides mental health professionals with useful information for making decisions about an adolescent’s affective status and serves as an indicator of depressive symptomatology experienced by an individual.

The RADS-2:SF items use a 4-point Likert-type response format in which the adolescent is asked to respond in the way that best indicates how the respondent usually feels. Items are worded in the present tense to elicit current symptom status. The response format assesses the frequency of symptoms that are positive psychopathological signs of a depressive disorder. Because of its brevity, the measure simply provides a Total score with an associated clinical cut-off score to quickly evaluate individuals who may be in need of further treatment for a depressive disorder or other related disorder. One critical item helps to alert clinicians to an adolescent who may be experiencing problematic symptoms that require immediate clinical attention.

The RADS-2:SF was standardised on a sample of 3,300 adolescents that was well-matched to the U.S. population in terms of age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Normative data (T scores and percentile ranks) are provided for the entire sample and also are broken down by gender and age group (i.e. 11-13 years, 14-16 years, 17-20 years).
Reliability and validity studies include a school-based sample of more than 9,000 adolescents and a clinical sample that consisted of 298 adolescents with DSM-III-R or DSM-IV Axis I diagnoses.The Professional Manual provides a comprehensive literature review.  Case studies illustrate the interpretation and clinical utility of the measure.
Carbonless, hand-scorable Test Booklet facilitates scoring and interpretation.

RADS-2:SF Professional Manual and Components

The RADS-2:SF Professional Manual provides extensive information about the development of the original RADS and the numerous research studies that utilised the RADS/RADS-2 and support the use of this product as an effective way to screen for depressive symptoms in adolescents. RADS-2:SF materials consist of the Professional Manual and a carbonless, hand-scorable Test Booklet. The RADS-2:SF items are written at a 3rd-grade reading level and are worded in the present tense to elicit current symptoms. Symptom content is consistent with a wide range of sources, including the DSM-IV and ICD-10. 

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