Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory raasi

For: Screen for adolescent adjustment problems in ages 12-19 years
Reading Level: Adolescent 12-19 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length:  5 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored


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RAASI Introductory Kit

Includes RAASI Professional Manual and 50 Test Booklets.




RAASI Test Booklets (25)

Pack of 25.




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William M. Reynolds, PhD


Quickly identify adolescents (ages 12-19 years) in need of psychological evaluation and services. These adolescents may exhibit significant adjustment problems in the areas of anti-social behaviours, anger problems and emotional distress. The RAASI may be administered to large or small groups or to individuals.

Only 32 items; derived from the item pool of the Adolescent Psychopathology Scale (APS).
3rd-grade reading level.
4 scales: Anti-social Behaviour (AB), Anger Control Problems (AC), Emotional Distress (ED), and Positive Self (PS). Also yields a Total Adjustment score (AdjT).
Useful in a multiple-gate screening process to identify adolescents at risk.
Hand-scorable test booklet.
Raw score to T-score conversions for total standardisation sample, gender, age group and gender-by-age group.
Normative data derived from 1,827 adolescents.
Reliability coefficients range from .81-.88 for the AB, AC, and ED scales, .71 for PS and .91 for AdjT.
Test-retest reliability ranges from .83-.89.
Moderate to strong correlations between RAASI scales and domain-related APS and MMPI scales.

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