Digit Vigilance Test dvt

For: Assess attention during rapid visual tracking in ages 20-80 years
Reading Level: Adult - Elder Adult
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 10 minutes (timed)
Scoring: Hand Scored


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DVT Introductory Kit

Includes DVT Professional User's Guide, 50 Test Booklets, and a Set of 4 Scoring Keys




DVT Test Booklets (25)

Pack of 25.




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Ronald F. Lewis, PhD


Sensitive to subtle changes in neuropsychological status, but relatively insensitive to the effect of repeated administrations, the DVT is a simple task designed to measure vigilance during rapid visual tracking and accurate selection of target stimuli. It appears to isolate alertness and vigilance while placing minimal demands on two other components of attention: selectivity and capacity.

Four colour-coordinated Scoring Keys.
Administration and scoring can be accomplished by individuals with no formal training under the supervision of a qualified psychologist. Interpretation within the context of a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation requires training in clinical psychology or neuropsychology.
Respondents are asked to find and cross out either “6s” or “9s,” which appear randomly within 59 rows of single digits.

The 59 rows of digits are printed in red on the first stimulus page and in blue on the second.

Note:  Stopwatch required.

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