Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function – Adult Version [BRIEF-A]

Assess adult executive functioning/self-regulation

For Ages: 18 – 90 years
Administration Time: 10 – 15 minutes
Format & Scoring: Online administration and scoring via PARiConnect; Paper and pencil
Authors: Robert M. Roth, PhD, Peter K. Isquith, PhD, Gerard A. Gioia, PhD

Manuals available in hard copy (book) or electronic version (e-Manual)

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BRIEF-A e-Manual





BRIEF-A online Interpretive Report (each) min order 5





BRIEF-A online Score Report (each) min order 5





BRIEF-A online i-Admin (each) min order 5





BRIEF-A Manual





BRIEF-A Informant Rating Forms (25)





BRIEF-A Informant Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms (25)





BRIEF-A Self Report Forms (25)





BRIEF-A Self Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms (25)





BRIEF-A Introductory Kit





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The BRIEF-A is a standardised measure that captures views of an adult’s executive functions or self-regulation in his or her everyday environment. Both a self-report and an informant report are used.

The Self-Report Form is designed to be completed by adults 18-90 years of age, including adults with a wide variety of developmental, systemic, neurological and psychiatric disorders such as attention disorders, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, depression, mild cognitive impairment, dementia and schizophrenia.

The Informant Report Form is administered to an adult informant who is familiar with the rated individual’s everyday functioning. It may be used alone when the rated individual is unable to complete the Self-Report Form or has limited awareness of his or her own difficulties, or with the Self-Report Form to gain multiple perspectives on the individual’s functioning. When administered in conjunction with the Self-Report Form, the BRIEF-A Informant Report Form provides a clinically comprehensive picture of the individual being rated.

The BRIEF-A, based on the original Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), is composed of 75 items within nine non-overlapping theoretically and empirically derived clinical scales that measure various aspects of executive functioning such as:

  • Inhibit
  • Self-Monitor
  • Plan/Organise
  • Shift
  • Initiate
  • Task Monitor
  • Emotional Control
  • Working Memory
  • Organisation of Materials

Test structure

The clinical scales form two broader indexes: Behavioural Regulation (BRI) and Metacognition (MI), and these indexes form the overall summary score, the Global Executive Composite (GEC). The BRIEF-A also includes three validity scales (Negativity, Inconsistency and Infrequency).

The BRIEF-A materials consist of the Professional Manual, the carbonless Self-Report Form, the carbonless Informant Report Form, the Self-Report Scoring Summary/Profile Form, and the Informant Report Scoring Summary/Profile Form. The BRIEF-A may be used in research and clinical settings by neuropsychologists, psychologists, physicians and rehabilitation professionals.

The BRIEF-A was standardised and validated for use with men and women from ages 18-90 years. The normative sample includes adults from a wide range of racial/ethnic backgrounds, educational backgrounds, as well as geographic regions that are matched to U.S. Census data (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2002).

Reliability and Validity

The BRIEF-A has demonstrated evidence of reliability, validity, and clinical utility as an ecologically sensitive measure of executive functioning in individuals with a range of conditions across a wide age range.

Online administration in PARiConnect Online account 

Leading the way in online assessment, PAR launched their online assessment platform called PARiConnect. For over ten years, it is one of the most popular platform in the online assessment industry. Updated with features customers asked for, adding trustworthy instruments, PARiConnect remains in-demand-feature in the decades to come.


  • Flexible administration options
  • Powerful report options
  • Client-centric design
  • Reliable verification tools
  • Easy and affordable purchase options via PAA website above
  • Adaptability for any type of organisation
  • Strict data security
  • Simple technical requirements
  • Enterprise manager