British Picture Vocabulary Scale 3rd Edition [BPVS3]

The leading receptive vocabulary assessment for standard English for ages 3–16 years

For Ages: 3 – 16 years
Administration Time: 10 – 15 minutes
Format: Paper administration and scoring


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BPVS3: Complete Set





BPVS3: Record Forms





BPVS3: Test Easel





BPVS3: Manual





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Assess a child’s receptive (heard) vocabulary to identify any delay in vocabulary development, even before they are in full-time education.

BPVS3 is an easy-to administer one-to-one test. Pupils respond to a stimulus word by selecting a picture from four options that best illustrates that word’s meaning.

As no reading or spoken response is required, you can use BPVS3 to assess language development in non-readers, pupils with expressive language impairments, pupils with autism and other related communication difficulties, as well as those with English as an Additional Language (EAL). To help pupils who may be colour vision deficient, the large-format illustrations have black outlines and vivid colours.

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Identify high and low language impaired children

From as young as three years, identify any delays in a child’s vocabulary development, as well as children with high levels of vocabulary who need additional support. When used with a measure of school attainment, it should be helpful in identifying students whose academic performance falls below their capabilities.

Suitable for pre- or non-verbal learners

Responses can be given by pointing or gesturing, making the assessment suitable for non-readers and children with specific learning difficulties.

Assess progress

BPVS3 can be used as a time-efficient benchmarking and progress-checking assessment from pre-school to secondary school.