Aggression Questionnaire aq

For: Offers a quick, practical way to screen large groups or individuals for aggressive tendencies
Reading Level: 9 to 88 years
Format: PC based Software
Length: 10 minutes
Scoring: Computer Scored


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AQ Kit

includes 25 AQ autoscore forms and Manual.




AQ Autoscore Forms (25)






Each CD is good for 25 uses. For use on PC with Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista or Windows 7.




AQ PC Answer Sheet (pad of 100)

Pad of 100 answer sheets to use with AQ CD-ROM on PC.




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Arnold H. Buss, Ph.D. and W. L. Warren, Ph.D.


This self-report inventory makes it possible, and practical, to routinely screen children and adults for aggressive tendencies.  The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures an individual’s aggressive responses and his or her ability to channel those responses in a safe and constructive manner.  Because it takes just 10 minutes to complete, the AQ may be administered quickly to large numbers of people.

The AQ is a full revision of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, a longtime standard for assessing anger and aggression.  It consists of just 34 items, scored on the following scales:

Physical Aggression
Verbal Aggression
Indirect Aggression

A Total Score is also provided, along with an Inconsistent Responding Index.  Standardisation is based on a sample of 2,138 individuals, ages 9 to 88, and norms are presented in three age sets: 9 to 18, 19 to 39, and 40 to 88.  In addition, norms for the Verbal Aggression and Physical Aggression scales are separated by gender.

Written at a third-grade reading level, AQ items describe various characteristics related to aggression.  The respondent simply rates each item on a 5-point scale ranging from “Not at all like me” to “Completely like me.” Because it is brief and easy to read, the scale can be used with virtually anyone, including respondents who have difficulty with more complex verbal measures.  The test can be hand scored in minutes or it can be administered and scored using the AQ CD, which also allows you to print out a detailed interpretive report on the spot.

In clinical settings, the AQ’s five subscale scores provide a level of detail that is particularly useful for treatment planning and outcome measurement.  In correctional settings, the simplicity of the AQ makes it an excellent choice for documenting the need for service and focusing rehabilitation efforts.  In other institutional settings-schools, businesses, military installations and geriatric or convalescent hospitals, it can be used for both screening and program evaluation.  Brief and inexpensive, the AQ makes large-scale screening of aggression a realistic option.

System Requirements:

Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10.  CD ROM and USB Port required.

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