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Please allow 24 – 48 hours for your new PARiConnect account to be set up.

USING YOUR pariconnect online ACCOUNT

The PARiConnect account has a fantastic range of popular assessments including the PAI, BRIEF-2; Parent Stress Inventory, ChAMP; TSI-2; EDI-3; NEO and FrSBe, etc. Manuals for individual assessments are available in electronic form via your PARiConnect account. Read more about e-Manuals.

PAA can get you set up within 24 – 48 hours. Just fill in the below form and leave the rest with us. You will receive log in and password details from PAR (USA) within 24 hours. Once you first log in to your PARiConnect account you will be able to access your purchased test administrations and reports. When you run low on your assessments, just purchase your PARiConnect test administrations (i-Admins) and reports via PAA website or by phone during business hours. New inventory will be available in your PARiConnect account within 24 hours.

Already have a PARiConnect online account?

Generally, you will need to purchase both test administrations (i-Admins) and test reports separately. However, if you use paper and pencil administrations, you only need to purchase reports, which are generated from data manually entered into your PARiConnect from paper forms. For some tests, there are different reports available, such as profile reports (scores only) or interpretive reports (scores plus narrative interpretation).

There is a minimum purchase of 5 test administrations and/or 5 reports for each test administration or report type.


Fill in the form below to request your new PARiConnect Account set up!

Available assessments

Pandemic Anxiety Screener for Students™–12: Research Edition

New! View our poster presentation for the 2021 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting: “Relationship Between Caregiver Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Effects of the Pandemic on Children and Adolescents.” Click here or the Resources tab above to view or download. Over the past…
Level C, M

Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma™: Teacher Form

The first comprehensive instrument measuring how stress and trauma impact children in a school-based setting from the teacher’s perspective, the FACT Teacher Form allows school psychologists to formulate targeted interventions that better meet kids’ needs. Features and benefits Quantifies the impact of traumatic experiences on school-based…
Level A, B

Older Adult Cognitive Screener

Patients with neurocognitive impairment (e.g., dementia) are often unreliable reporters of their own symptoms. A knowledgeable observer such as a family member, friend, or home health care nurse, can provide valuable insight into a patient’s functioning. The OACS is a quick informant rating scale that…
Level B

Kane Learning Difficulties Assessment™

The KLDA quickly screens college students who may be at risk for learning difficulties and ADHD. Features and benefits Measures an individual’s academic strengths and weaknesses in key areas, including reading, writing, math, listening, concentration, memory, organization, time management, oral presentation, self-control, and anxiety. Provides…
Level M

Feifer Assessment of Writing

Students spend nearly 60% of their school day engaged in the process of written expression. Deficits in the writing process can wreak havoc on students’ education. The FAW examines the underlying processes that support proficient written language skills. In addition to identifying the possibility of…
Level M, B

Academic Achievement Battery™

The AAB family of products has expanded to fulfil all your academic testing needs! The AAB measures basic reading, math, spelling, and reading comprehension quickly and thoroughly to get an accurate overview of an individual’s academic skills. The AAB is ideal for evaluating fundamental academic…
Level B


NEW! Learn more about the development of the SPECTRA with authors Dr. Justin Sinclair and Dr. Mark Blais during an interview with Dr. Jeremy Sharp on The Testing Psychologist podcast and in the Publisher’s blog! Learn more about how the SPECTRA provides a hierarchical–dimensional assessment…
Level A

Feifer Assessment of Mathematics

The FAM is a comprehensive assessment of mathematics designed to examine the underlying neurodevelopmental processes that support the acquisition of proficient math skills. It is unique in that it helps you identify specific sub-types of dyscalculia to help inform intervention decision making. Features and benefits…
Level B, M

Feifer Assessment of Reading

The FAR is a comprehensive assessment of reading and related processes. It is unique in that it helps you determine the examinee’s specific subtype of dyslexia to inform decisions about appropriate interventions. Features and benefits Addresses four specific subtypes of dyslexia: dysphonic dyslexia, surface dyslexia,…
Level C, M

Working Styles Assessment

Author Melissa A. Messer, MHS and Heather Ureksoy, PhD Description The WSA assesses a person’s work-related personality traits—the traits that are related to effective job performance. Features and Benefits Helps individuals gain a better understanding of their personal work preferences and how they approach a…
Level A, M

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Author David A. Grant, PhD and Esta A. Berg, PhD Description Although the WCST is used primarily to assess perseveration and abstract thinking, it has gained increasing popularity as a neuropsychological instrument. It has been considered a measure of executive function because of its reported…
Level A, M

Vocabulary Assessment Scales

Contact PAA today to establish a PARiConnect account for online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Rebecca Gerhardstein Nader, PhD Description An innovative new measure, the VAS-E and VAS-R present full-colour photographs to measure the breadth of an individual’s vocabulary and oral language development. A complementary…
Level B, M

Trauma Symptom Inventory-2

Author John Briere, PhD Description The TSI-2 is designed to evaluate post-traumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events. This broadband measure evaluates acute and chronic symptomatology, including the effects of sexual and physical assault, intimate partner violence, combat, torture, motor vehicle accidents, mass…
Level B, M

Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author John Briere, PhD Description Because exposure to traumatic events (e.g. child abuse, peer assaults, community violence) is an unfortunate part of many children’s lives, psychological tests for…
Level C, M, B

Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author John Briere, PhD Description The TSCC is a self-report measure of post-traumatic stress and related psychological symptomatology in children ages 8-16 years who have experienced traumatic events…
Level C, M, B

Test of General Reasoning Ability

Contact PAA today to establish you PARiConnect account for online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD Description The TOGRA is a speeded measure of reasoning ability and problem-solving skills designed for individual or group administration. Features and Benefits As a result of…
Level B, M

State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2

Author Charles D. Spielberger, PhD, ABPP Description The STAXI-2 provides easily administered and objectively scored measures of the experience, expression and control of anger for adults and adolescents, ages 16 years and older. The STAXI-2 was developed to assess components of anger and anger expression…
Level B, M

Survey of Pain Attitudes

Author Mark P. Jensen, PhD and Paul Karoly, PhD Description Research conducted over the past decade indicates that patients’ attitudes and beliefs about pain play a key role in their adjustment and treatment outcome. The SOPA was designed to assist clinicians in the understanding of…
Level B, M

Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire

Author William M. Reynolds, PhD Description The SIQ assesses the frequency of suicidal thoughts in adolescents and may be used to evaluate or monitor troubled youths. Because not all depressed adolescents are suicidal and not all suicidal adolescents are depressed, the SIQ is a valuable…
Level B, M

Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents

Authors Peter L. Sheras, PhD, Richard R. Abidin, EdD. Professional Manual by Peter L. Sheras, PhD, Richard R. Abidin, EdD, Timothy R. Konold, PhD Description The SIPA is a screening and diagnostic instrument that identifies areas of stress in parent-adolescent interactions and is appropriate for…
Level B, M

Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology

Authors  Glenn P. Smith, PhD, Professional Manual by Michelle R. Widows, PhD, and Glenn P. Smith, PhD Description The SIMS is a 75-item, true/false screening instrument that assesses for both malingered psychopathology and neuropsychological symptoms. The instrument reduces clinician burden and increases assessment efficiency by…
Level A, M

Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scales

Contact PAA today to establish a PARiConnect online account for administration, scoring and reporting. Author Kenneth W. Merrell, PhD. Description Focusing on a child’s strengths, the SEARS may be used with children and adolescents who exhibit a variety of clinical problems or who are at high risk…
Level B, M, C

Reynolds Child Depression Scale- 2nd Edition and RCDS-2: Short Form

Author William M. Reynolds, PhD Description Designed to screen for depression in children, the RCDS-2 provides school and mental health professionals with a straightforward, easily administered measure for the evaluation of the severity of children’s depressive symptoms. The RCDS-2 retains the 30 items used in…
Level B, M

Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test

Contact PAA today to establish your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD Description The RAIT is a rapid, reliable, and valid intelligence test designed for group or individual administration. It is composed of seven subtests that assess…
Level B, A, M

Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, 2nd Edition

Author William M. Reynolds PhD Description The original RADS has been used by thousands of clinicians, school personnel and researchers to evaluate depression in adolescents in the U.S. and over 30 other countries. The RADS-2 is a brief, 30-item self-report measure that includes subscales which…
Level B, M

PTSD and Suicide Screener

Author John Briere, PhD Description Derived from the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS), the PSS is designed to quickly screen individuals for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide risk. Features and Benefits The one-page self-report form consists of only 14 items, requiring just a…
Level B, M

Parenting Stress Index, Fourth Edition

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Richard R. Abidin, EdD. Description Designed to evaluate the magnitude of stress in the parent-child system, the fourth edition of the popular PSI is a 120-item inventory…
Level B, M, A

PDD Behaviour Inventory

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Ira L. Cohen, PhD, Vicki Sudhalter, PhD Description The PDDBI is an informant-based rating scale that is designed to assist in the assessment of children who…
Level B, M

Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale

Authors Richard M. Marshall, PhD and Berney J. Wilkinson, PhD Description Appropriate for use with children and adolescents ages 3-18 years, the PBRS is a standardised, norm-referenced parent and teacher rating scale that assists in the identifica­tion of symptoms associated with early onset bipolar disorder….
Level B, M

Personality Assessment Screener

Author Leslie C. Morey, PhD Description Derived from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), the PAS is designed for use as a triage instrument in most health care and mental health settings, as well as in corporate EAPs and college health services. The 22-item test may be…
Level A

Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) Correctional Reports Module

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products PAI/PAI Plus PAI-SP PAI-A (Adolescent) PAI-A SP Description Based on the PAI, the PAI-CS is a computer-generated interpretive report designed to assist correctional psychologists and staff…
Level A

Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products PAI PAI-A SP(Software Portfolio)  is used to score and interpret PAI-A results, the PAI-A SP provides comprehensive and accurate Clinical Interpretive Reports based on on-screen administration…
Level A

Personality Assessment Inventory

***New – PAI Plus software update available now*** PAI® Plus available via PARiConnect online scoring and PAI scoring software update! The PAI Plus takes the existing PAI items and gives users an updated way to interpret the data. Using the PAI, an objective inventory of…
Level A, B

NEO Personality Inventory-3

The  NEO Software System is now available, which is compatible with the new NEO-3 Inventories Author Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD Description The NEO-PI-3 is a revision of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the standard questionnaire of the FFM….
Level C, M, B, A

NEO Five Factor Inventory-3

The NEO Software System is also now available, which is compatible with the new NEO-3 Inventories. Additional new forms for use with the New NEO-FFI-3 are available on the New NEO-PI-3 page. Author Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD Description The NEO-FFI-3,…
Level B, M

Multidimensional Everyday Memory Ratings for Youth

Contact PAA today to set up your free PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Authors Elisabeth M. S. Sherman, Ph.D, and Brian L. Brooks, Ph.D Description The MEMRY is the first (USA) nationally standardised rating scale specifically designed to measure memory in…
Level B, M

Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – Revised

Authors Jason Brandt, PhD, Ralph H. B. Benedict, PhD Description THE HVLT-R offers a brief assessment of verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall) for individuals 16 years and older. It is easy to administer and score and is well-tolerated even by significantly impaired individuals….
Level A, M

Frontal Systems Behavior Scale

Authors Janet Grace, PhD, Paul F. Malloy, PhD Description The FrSBe, formerly known as the Frontal Lobe Personality Scale (FLoPS), provides a brief, reliable, and valid measure of three frontal systems behavioural syndromes: apathy, disinhibition and executive dysfunction. It also quantifies behavioural changes over time…
Level B, M, C

Eating Disorder Inventory-3 Referral Form

Author David M. Garner, PhD Description The EDI-3 Referral Form Kit is specifically designed for allied health professionals to help identify individuals who are at risk for eating disorders. In addition to 25 EDI-3 questions, this brief self-report form includes behavioural symptom questions to identify…
Level B, M

Eating Disorder Inventory-3

Online Administration & Scoring Platform Available! Author David M. Garner, PhD Description The EDI-3 is a revision of one of the most widely used self-report measures of psychological traits or constructs shown to be clinically relevant in individuals with eating disorders -the EDI-2. This new…
Level B, M

Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree

Author Bryan L. Euler, PhD Description The EDDT is the first instrument of its kind to provide a standardised approach to the assessment of Emotional Disturbance (ED) that covers all of the federal criteria and addresses the broad emotional and behavioural nuances of children ages…
Level B, M

Dementia Rating Scales-2

Author Steven Mattis, PhD Professional Manual by Paul J. Jurica, PhD, Christopher L. Leitten, PhD, Steven Mattis, PhD Description Research conducted after the publication of the original Dementia Rating Scale (DRS) showed that both age and education contribute significantly to DRS subscale and Total Scores….
Level A, M

Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress

Author John Briere, PhD Description The DAPS is a 104-item detailed and comprehensive clinical measure of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress in individuals aged 18 years and older who have a history of exposure to one or more potentially traumatic events. The instrument assesses peri-…
Level M, B

Career Thoughts Inventory

Authors James P. Sampson, Jr., PhD, Gary W. Peterson, PhD, Janet G. Lenz, PhD, Robert C. Reardon, PhD, and Denise E. Saunders, PhD Description The CTI is a self-administered and objectively scored assessment designed to improve the effectiveness of career counselling and guidance for adults,…
Level B, M

Child Sexual Behaviour Inventory

Author William N. Friedrich, PhD, ABPP Description The CSBI is a parent report (mother or primary female caregiver) measure of sexual behaviour in children aged between 2-12 years. It is intended for use with children who have been or who may have been sexually abused. The…
Level B, M

Chronic Pain Coping Inventory

Author Mark P. Jensen, PhD, Judith A. Turner, PhD, Joan M. Romano, PhD and Warren R. Nielson, PhD Description Designed to assess the use of coping strategies that are typically targeted for change in multi-disciplinary pain treatment programs, the CPCI addresses several shortcomings of existing…
Level B, M

Child and Adolescent Memory Profile

Authors Elisabeth M.S. Sherman, PhD, and Brian L. Brooks, PhD Description The ChAMP is a norm-referenced test of memory for use with children, adolescents, and young adults that allows both in-depth memory evaluation and memory screening. Features and benefits Based on the latest neuroscience research…
Level A, M

Clinical Assessment of Depression

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Authors Bruce A. Bracken, PhD, Karen Howell, PhD Description The CAD is a 50-item self-report instrument that is comprehensive, highly reliable, and sensitive to depressive symptomatology throughout the…
Level B, M

Clinical Assessment of Behaviour

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Authors Bruce A. Bracken, Ph.D, and Lori K. Keith, Ph.D Description The CAB is an objective, comprehensive and highly reliable behaviour rating scale that is closely aligned with…
Level B, M

Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised

Author Ralph H. B. Benedict, PhD, ABCN Description The BVMT-R is designed for use as a criterion measure of visuospatial memory within a large battery of neuropsychological tests, as a screening measure within a brief neuropsychological battery and as a repeat measure to document changes…
Level A, M

Adolescent Psychopathology Scale-Short Form

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author William M. Reynolds, PhD Description Dramatic evidence of students with significant psychopathology and violence proneness has made recent media headlines across the country.  This behaviour is often…
Level A, M, B

Adolescent Psychopathology Scale

Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Author William M. Reynolds, PhD Description The APS measures three broad disorder-problem domains: Clinical Disorders (20 scales), Personality Disorders (5 scales) and Psychosocial Problem Content areas (11 scales)….
Level A, M